The local Organizing Committee of the II Pan American Congress of Physiological Sciences invites you to participate in this scientific event. May 27 to 31, 2019.
This Congress will stimulate a creative exchange of ideas and the collaborative work among our societies from the entire occidental hemisphere.
Havana celebrate in 2019 its 500 Anniversary of its foundation and as the capital of all the Cubans have been preparing Old Havana to show an ancient and at the same time a young city considered Cultural Heritage of the Humankind since 1982 and one of the marvelous cities of the world since 2016.
All the participants societies of the II Pan Am-2014 start to work on this project almost 5 years ago when we celebrate a first meeting during the first version of this continental congress in Iguazú Falls in August 2014.
We organize different meetings during the Experimental Biology meeting in San Diego California in 2016, Rio de Janeiro 2017 during the 38th Congress IUPS and again in San Diego in April 2018 in order to organize a world-class congress.
Filed under Ciencias fisiológicas by on Oct 5th, 2018.