- National Congress of the Cuban Society of Psychology
- XVII International Seminar Psycho-ballet
- XII International and XIII national Symposiums on leadership and management processes in organizational development.
- IX Congress Counseling of America
- IV International Conference on Emergency and Disaster Psychology
- II Congress of Rorschach and other projective techniques
- II International Meeting of psychological counseling
- II Cuban Meeting on Psychodrama and group processes
- I Symposium on Psychology and gender, couples and family
- VI International Conference on the legacy of the cultural historical approach
- First International Symposium on Psychology, subjectivity and aging
- First National Meeting on Social and Community Psychology
- First Cuban Symposium on Environmental Psychology
- International Symposium on Clinical and health Psychology
- International Symposium on Psychology and addictive behaviors
- International Symposium on psychology and organizational development
- International Symposium on education of psychologists
- International Symposium on Psychology and disability
- International Symposium on Sports Psychology
- International Symposium on Psychoanalysis
- Symposium International Psychology and sexuality. Focus current
- V International Encounter of the Net of Work for Productive Dialogues and Third Meeting of the International Graduate of Learning and Practical
- First Regional Congress of the Caribbean of the International Association for the Psychotherapy of Group and Processes IAGP