Program Wednesday 18




Group 1: Virology/Immunology.

Lecture: gene cloning, applications and other advanced technologies for dengue study: R. Ramírez, O. Ortega & A. Méndez

Demonstration: gene cloning: R. Ramírez, O. Ortega & A. Méndez

Group 2: Clinic. Room 5

Dengue and pregnancy: R.L. Barroso

Case discussion: R.L. Barroso & E. Martínez

Group 3: Entomology-vector control.  Room 7

Absence of Wolbachia in hybrids obtained by crossing Ae aegypti with Ae. albopictus: L A Piedra

Use and equipment management in chemical applications: H. Diaz & D. Montada

Group 4: Epidemiology-community participation. Room 6

WORKSHOP: Factors influencing participation: how and under which conditions to foster community empowerment. (continuation): D. Perez, M. Castro, L. Lloyd, P. Lefèvre & S. Rifkin

Lecture: IPK’s experiences on community empowerment for dengue prevention: M.E. Toledo, D. Pérez & M. Castro






Group 1: Virology/Immunology.

Lecture: Citotoxicity as an effector mechanism of dengue anti-immune response: A.B. Perez

Practice-Demonstration: Expression of citotoxicity gene markers. Blood cell stimulation with dengue virus: A.B. Perez, B. Sierra, G. Garcia, E. Aguirre & A. Izquierdo

Group 2: Clinic. Room 5

Anatomo-pathological findings in dengue: V. Capo

Case discussion: R.L. Barroso, E. Martínez & F. Zamora

Group 3: Entomology-vector control.  Room 7

Effectiveness of  chemicals formulations  insecticides in Aedes aegypti control: D. Montada

Effectiveness of Sumilarv 0,5 G  in  Aedes aegypti  control in  laboratory and in field conditions: M. Castex

Using plants as alternatives for vector control: M. Leyva 

Group 4: Epidemiology-community participation. Room 6

Lecture-Practice. Evaluation of interventions, effectiveness and impact: M.E.Toledo, V. Vanlerberghe & N. Linares