
Dear colleagues and friends:
As every four years, the Cuban Society of Hematology and the Institute of Hematology and Immunology, organizers of HEMATOLOGY’2017, are pleased to offer you a very warm welcome on this special occasion. We hope that this meeting will lead to a strengthening of the ties of collaboration between our institutions, societies and countries and that new links will emerge that allow us to integrate efforts in the search for greater successes in the work of ensuring the health of our peoples. These scientific meetings are a mean to help refine the diagnostic and therapeutic array of hematological and immunological diseases by using more advanced methods, as well as to work increasingly on disease prevention.
It is vitally important to increase the possibilities for comprehensive, physical, psychological and social rehabilitation of patients, particularly those suffering from chronic congenital diseases with risks of serious complications, such as sickle cell anemia and hemophilia.
Another important aspect is to contribute to the implementation of National Programs that favor the more scientific and safe application of transfusion medicine, in which field the systematic awareness of the population is essential to increase the number of blood donations to guarantee the components and blood derivatives that are indispensable for comprehensive medical care.
We are grateful to all those who have so far provided us with their collaboration in the organization of the different editions of the congress and we are sure to have the enthusiastic participation of all the participants in the work sessions to achieve the proposed objectives.
Organizing Comittee

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