General program bandera-espana1



•    Bioenergy and Hypnosis.
•    Psicoinmunology and Hypnosis
•    Classic hypnosis
•    Hypnosis and Sexuality
•    Ericksonian Hypnosis
•    Bioethics and Hypnosis
•    Eclectic hypnosis
•    Forensic hypnosis
•   Hypnosis in Mental Health
•   Hypnosis in Infantile Dysfunctions
•   Clinical Contribution of Hypnosis
•   Hypnosis and Magic Thought
•   Biological foundations of  Hypnosis
•   Hypnosis and Psychoanalysis
•   Hypnosis and Mechanisms of Learning
•   Hypnosis and PNL
•   Experimental hypnosis
•   Hipnoanesthtics and surgical procedures
•   Hypnosis and Brain Neuroplasticity
•   Hypnosis and Alternative Therapies
•   Hypnosis and Dentistry
•   Regressive therapies in Hypnosis
•   Philosophical and epistemological hipnosis

Scientific program

The scientific program will present masterful conferences that will be imparted by personalities of grateful international prestige; also will  be imparted pre-congress courses and shops using as scenarios educational institutions of Health in Santiago de Cuba and of the Heredia Convention Center.

The scientific committee will decide the time of discussion that will have the presenter to present its conference, previous analysis of the received proposals, as well as the day and hour inside the date of the congress. Of equal  formed it will proceed with the pre-congress courses, while congress and other presentation modalities .

Norms for the presentation of the Works

•    All the works should be sent of being possible to complete text and in digital format with typography ARIAL 12, to a space, elaborated with a word processor Word, version 2007 or superior.
•    The summaries should not exceed the 250 words. They should be structured in the following way:

Title in the superior part, with capital
Name and last names of the author or authors (specifying presenter)
Origin country
Presentation modality
Audiovisual means to use in the presentation.

•     It should be specified in each case the e-mail.
•     For videos a written description of the same one should be sent, completing the established typographic requirements; of being possible to send a version of the same one in digital format.
•     For the pre-congress courses it will be sent the thematic plan and the author’s curricular synthesis, in the case you want to impart any thematic.
•     For the conferences it will be sent the topic and a brief introduction of the same one.

Presentation modalities

Pre-congress courses
Round table
Free Topic
* *The authors will send the summary of each work before December 24th, 2014.

Official languages:  
Spanish, English (we will offer service of personalized translation of Spanish-English)