1. Title of paper:
A brief title will be written in CAPITAL, bold and not underlined script. Neither abbreviations nor symbols will be used. The title will include title, authors, service or department as well as institution where the study was conducted, city, country and e-mail address of the author that will submit the paper.
2. Structured abstract: Objectives, Materials (or Subjects) and Methods; Results and Conclusions.
Do not include bibliographical quotations. Common abbreviations are allowed. In the event of special or barely known abbreviations, you should specify their meanings in parenthesis for the first time in the text. No commercial names of drugs are to be used.
3. Type of presentation: All the papers will be accepted for oral presentation.
4. Category of paper:
a. Basic (Biology, Physiopathology, Metabolism, Immunology and Genetics)
b. Epidemiologic (Prevalence surveys, case control studies, cohort studies, national registers.
c. Clínical ( controlled clinical assays, case o case series reports.
d. Psychosocial and community-wide aspects (psychology, education, public health, drug economics).
5. Abstract of the paper will be written in Word format, Arial size 11 and not exceeding 300 words. Title, authors and affiliations are not included.
Deadline for submission: July 31st, 2015
Abstracts will be sent to:
Dr. Eduardo Cabrera Rode, Email: diabetes@infomed.sld.cu