Convocation bandera-espana1



The Cuban Society of Therapeutic Hypnosis, the Cuban Society of Psychology of the Health and the University of Medical Sciences of Santiago de Cuba, they summon to all the hypnotherapists of Cuba, Latin America, The Caribbean, North America and of the rest of the world to participate in the Eighth Shop of Therapeutic Hypnosis and Related Techniques (Hipnosantiago 2015) that will take place in Heredia Conventions Center of the city of Santiago de Cuba from March 16th to March 20 2015 / March 30 at April 3 2015.

This will be an unequal opportunity to discuss and to exchange knowledge, approaches and the specialists and practitioner’s experiences of the hypnosis as a model of treatment, about the results of diverse investigations carried out in diverse countries and geographical areas, always prevailing in it, the absence of hegemonic pretenses and the absolute respect to the theoretical-philosophical positions that the adopted models sustain.

Will be able to participate doctors, psychologists, odontologists, teachers, male nurses, certified hypnotherapists from diverse schools, and recognize associations,  as well as professional practitioners, other professionals of the health, students of the professions before mentioned, jurists, philosophers, natural-traditional therapists and other interested ones.

Santiago de Cuba, the most Caribbean of the Cuban cities, will open its doors and its hearts to all those that participate, and it will show them its magic, its charm and the natural bewitches of a city that is music, poetry, dance, architecture and mainly hospitality.

As a gift of the history and of our culture the event will be developed in the atmosphere that everybody already lives in this beautiful city for the 500 year-old celebration of been founded. An entire program of cultural and social activities will allow us to live in an unique way the prints from the past, the present and the future.

To «dare is to triumph». Makes it, accompany and you won’t be sorry.

We wait for you.


Prof. Dr. Alberto E. Cobián Mena

President of the Organizing Committee.

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