- President: Prof. MSc. Tania González León.
- Vice-president: Prof. Mariano Castillo Rodríguez.
- Honorary President: Prof. Octavio De La Concepción Gómez. President CSU.
- International Relations: Prof. Emilio Cordiés Jackson and Prof. Ramiro Fragas Valdés.
- President of the Scientific Committee : Prof. Mariano Castillo Rodríguez.
- Committee of Social Events : Dr. Dámaso Hernández and Dr. Darel Sosa.
- Accreditation: Dr. María Victoria Labrada.
- Accomodation: Dr. Odalys Sandoval
- Website editor: Dr. David Perdomo Fernández.
- Funding: Mr. Juan José Nemer.
- Professional Congress Organizer: Mrs. Alicia García González. Palacio de Convenciones.