Central head office:
Palacio de Convenciones of Havana. In this place the following activities will be carried out:
– Participants’ registration
– Scientific sessions.
– Trading Scientific Exposition.
– Welcome Cocktail.
– Participants’ Registration.
The inscription for every activity of the Congress will be made in the Accreditation Bureau in the Palacio de Convenciones of Havana.
Participants’ Profile
Specialists in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Kinesiologists, Physiotherapists, Social Workers, Occupational Therapists, Ortho-prosthesis, Neurologists, Orthopaedics, Urologists, Cardiologists, Pneumologists, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists, Oculists, Rheumatologists, Geriatrists, Epidemiologists, Physiologists, Psychologists, Phono-audiologists, Special Educators, Graduates in Physical Culture, Infirmary of Rehabilitation, Computer specialists linked to Health and associated researchers.
The documents will be submitted in the moment of registration with the identification of the Congress. It is very important to present the identification card in order to pass through all the Congress activities, even the social ones. It will be delivered a participant certify to foreigners delegates at Information Bureau-1. The presenter/author certify will be delivered in the rooms where the participant exhibits, once his presentation is finished.
Official language: Spanish. Simultaneous interpretation in English in plenary sessions determined by the Scientific Committee.
Inscription fees
Category Foreigners
Delegates—————– 200 CUC
Students—————– 120 CUC
Accompanying——— 80 CUC