Prevention, Integration, Quality of life. Event for all the Specialists of Cuba and the World

Fundaments and Objectives of the event


Persons with disability constitute an important group in any society and represent according to matching international discernments the 10 per cent of the word population. About the middle of the nineties, last century; it was thought that the world population with disability was 100 million in industrial countries, and 200 million in developing countries, assuming that in the 2025 there will be 600 million people with disability in the world. Regarding to this analysis it’s considered every year will appear 10 million with severe or moderate disability, actually 25000 every day.
Great advances are still emerging in Medicine in the latest decades. Pharmacology, Immunology, the surgical and clinical specialties have been able to save many lives, however the high survival it’s been quite related to individuals with disability lately at a higher as lowers rate, witch difficulties, after their healing process, being inserted on re-inserted into their family or into their work environment, individually.
In order to achieve their goals everyone needs to keep a good shape, psychological and social welfare, not only the disease absence and the rehabilitation is the process whereby the sequels of the lesion or the disease are abated, improving every patient’s skill, decreasing their deficiency, but also seeking the acceptance of the health situation, re-adapting the new situation toward their personal goals.
All the actions have been justified so that they might contribute to improve human’s welfare from a scientific point of view. Our country is involved in the «Batalla de Ideas» witch is part of the Rehabilitation and is carrying out an ambitious project which hopes for the excellence in Heath Services bound for the population, services provided to the persons whom might need them.
The V Congress of the Cuban Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is one of the multiple actions carried out to provide quality of life and one of its missions is: to approach significant present time issues, relying on famous national and international personalities presence in the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation field, to incentivize the exchange among professionals interested in researching, analyzing promoting and being aware of the advances in this wide issue, to state the results reached by Cuba in every level of attention and establish the regional collaboration.
The primary issue will be the slogan «All for a happy childhood», the Rehabilitation of the child with special needs such as: Early attention, Integral attention to the child, family and community, Epidemiology of the pediatric disability, pediatric Rehabilitation in the multiple medical specialties, the child with special educational needs and his social integration, and some other issues will be approached in order to show the variety and the depth of this remarkable scientific meeting parallel to this remarkable event the 3rdnd international computer science meeting linked to Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, counting on the slogan «For a shared Knowledge» and 1rst International Workshop of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation. The high scientific level of the presenters and their works, the wide spectrum of the specialties, justify as well the realization of pre-meeting courses which are going to show the art status in the issue related to this vast science field.
1. Incentivize the knowledges Exchange among professional rehabilitators.
2. Promote the advances reached in this field.
3. Get a higher level of Pediatric Rehabilitation and establish the regional collaboration.
4. Propitiate the different sectors interrelations which contribute sinergically to improve the pediatric quality of life, generating interdisciplinary performances.
5. State the results reached by Cuba in every level of attention emphasizing the «Batalla de Ideas» achievements.
6. Contribute to the development of information management as a valuable way of forming our professionals.
Dr. Jorge E. Martín Cordero
President of Organization Committee

Lic. Elsy Basto Suárez | Rehabilitation2009 | CENCOMED |
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