Call for abstracts

Deadline Submission Abstracts: June 1, 2012.

The Organizers have the scientific program with Keynote Address from well-known specialist invited and with some topics from submitted abstracts selected.

  • When sending the abstract, please indicate the Topic in which you would like to be included.
  • Oral and Poster presentations should be clearly indicated.
  • The Organizing Committee will have the right of choosing oral presentation.
  • Spanish and English are the official languages of the Congress. All abstract should be written in Spanish or English.
  • The Organizing Committee of the Conference will inform authors via e-mail on the acceptance of presentations, not later than one month after the reception of the abstract.
  • The program will be printed. For this reason, we encourage to provide a 300 word abstract, as soon as possible.


  • Abstracts should be written in accordance to the instructions of the Conference official web site: and they should be sent ON LINE before June 1th, 2012. A copy should be also sent to Dr. José A. González to
    Authors should provide their abstract in Word format (Arial, 12 pt, Single space):
    Title: Black and capital letter,
    Abstract in Arial 12.
    Authors: Last name and first letter of the name using comas between every author (in black). The name of the author who will present the work should be underlined e.g. Rodeiro I, Menendez R, Remirez D.),
    Abstracts should be written in Spanish or English, in a brief and precise way.
    Maximum words of the Abstract: 300 words.

The Congress program will be also distributed with documentation on site.

  • The speaker should provide full name, address of institution, e-mail, fax and telephone numbers.
  • Facilities will be available in the Conference sessions for computer-assisted presentations. You need to bring your presentation on a floppy disk (3.5 «/1.44 MB, no ZIP disk), on a CD, or on a flash memory using the USB port.
    Participants presenting with a Macintosh presentation are requested to use their own laptop, making sure the laptop has a VGA plug for sending images to the projector (external feed).
  • Please, If your work does not keep rigorously in mind the orientations given to submitt abstract, it will be rejected. We request you take special attention and you make a proper use of English language.
  • Do not write the words again Eg: Title, Institution, Address.
  • Do not use terms Dr, Lic, DrC. MSc, Prof, etc.
  • Do not identify any author with holding honorary, neither categories educational scientific, neither another epithet.
  • Complete the orientations strictly.