Registration fee

Inscription for Cubans Delegates: 250.00 CUP


Inscription for Foreign Delegates:

In Euros (€) or equivalent in CUC

Before August 15th, 2012

After August 16st, 2012

Foreign Delegates

250 €

350 €

Accompanying persons andnot graduated students

150 €

200 €

American Dollars are not accepted. Payment should be preferably by credit card, please see instructions on the web site.

Note: CUC is the convertible Cuban pesos: 1 Euro ~ 1,15 – 1,40 CUC

Payment should be preferably by credit card, please see instructions at the web site

Please, it is very important to carry a proper identification with the name (or the names) of the delegate, the carried out transfer and the country from where it was executed.