Authors guidelines

It includes master lectures given by personalities of recognized international prestige, special lectures, round tables, workshops, symposiums and the presentation of static free themes as posters or dynamic ones such as documentary video films and free themes. The pre congress courses will be given on March 17th and 18th, 2014 by international and Cuban professionals. These courses will be about 4 to 8 hours with a price of 25.00 CUC and will be informed in the next announcement. SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM MODALITIES

Modality Time
Lectures 30 minutes
Round Tables 60 minutes
Symposium 120 minutes
Workshops 240 minutes
Free themes 15 minutes
Poster 15 minutes
Documentary video films 15 minutes

POSTERS FREE THEMES They will be organized following the format: introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusions. Poster´s size will be of 82 cm wide (horizontal) and 120 cm long (vertical). The works to be presented must be original without being presented before. Every work will have assigned the day and the hour of its presentation in the scientific program. The author will be at the time assigned to answer all the possible questions. The works presented on posters will have a competitive character and the Scientific Committee will award a big prize and two mentions. FREE THEMES ON DOCUMENTARY VIDEO They will have 15 minutes of duration and 5 minutes additional for questions and answers. The works will be presented in VHS format and NTSC (unique norm), DVD and VCD.   SENDING ABSTRACTS REQUIREMENTS Abstracts should have a headline including: title, author´s or authors´ full names, speaker´s name, institution, institution´s address, phone number, fax, e- mail, country, theme of the proposed work and  modality presentation. Every abstract can have a maximum of 250 words and should include: introduction, objectives, methods results and conclusions. In case of lectures, workshops or round tables audiovisual aids must be specified. These works must be sent in electronic format as a file of processing Word 6.0 text or higher, Arial 12 letter, two spaces, adjunct to an e-mail to: The closing date is January 15th, 2014. NORMS FOR PRESENTING WORKS Works will have a maximum of 8 pages with the following structure: abstract, introduction, objectives, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion and bibliographic references. The text will be written on letter type (8,5 x 11) with 1,5 space between lines, Arial 12 Word 6.0 (Microsoft), higher or Adobe Acrobat PDF format with the following specifications:

  • Title will be in the middle, bold and no more than 15 words.
  • The names of the authors will be written
  • Three spaces from the title, with the initials of the name follow by the second name coming apart by commas and underlying the full name of the speaker.
  • After, institution(s) will be identified on the following form: name of the institution, post address, city and country, as well as, phone number, fax and e- mail.
  • Images, tables and / or graphics are included as part of the paper (Word or PDF). The paper can have a maximum of 1 megabyte. In case of exceeding 300 Kbytes, it must be compacted in multivolume format with a top of 300 Kbytes.
  • Papers will be rejected if they are not presented with these specifications.




  • Data y video film projector.
  • Computers.
  • VHS Players.

All the visual aids required for the presentations must be previously informed to the Scientific Committee. CDs, DVDs and other storage units that will be used with the works will be delivered by the speakers at the Audio Visual Reception Office at the Conference Center of Havana 24 hours before presenting the work. Requirements for digital presentations

  • Windows Operative Systems
  • Presentations on Power Point
  • Presentations on CD, DVD, storage units.
  • Compacted Presentations as follows:
    • WinZip version 8,0 (or lower)
    • Winrar version 2,5 (or lower)
    • Arj
  • Design Images Presentation on Corel 9 ó 10.

Applications no requiring associated programs should come with their own installations (QuickTime, Adobe Acrobat and others). Official Languages Spanish and English Simultaneous interpretation service will be offered in the opening and closing sessions and in the lecture rooms the Scientific Committee decides.


The participants that requires an Invitation Letter for participating should get in contact with the Scientific Committee through the e- mail address:


Dr. Nelly Cristina Valdivia:

Dr. Judith Hernández:

BSc. Margarita Martín:

Dr. Gina M. Galán:
