Pre Congress Courses

Course: Life Quality and Health.
Time: 10 hours
Participants: 30
Professor: Dr. C. Carmen Regina Victoria García-Viniegras
Place:  Hermanos Amejeiras Hospital
Address: San Lázaro St  between Marquez Gonzalez St  and Belascoain St
Date :Monday 17th ,9: 00 a.m.
Course: Rorschach and Its Development on the Clinical Environment.
Time: 4hours
Participants: 5-20
Profesor: Msc. Felicia M. González Llaneza
Place: Médical Science University » Dr. Miguel Enríquez».
Address: Street Ramón Pintónumber 202. Luyanó, 10 de Octubre, municipality.
Date: Monday 17th9: 00 a.m.
Course: Some Opposite Aspects of Addictive Behaviors.
Time: 4 hours
Participants: 30
Professor: Dr. C. Octavio Gárciga Ortega
Place: Novartis  Center
Address: Street A Number. 460 between  19thand 21thVedado
Date: Tuesday 18th9:00 a.m.
Course: Nurse Integral Safe Attention to Patients with Psychiatric Disorders.
Time: 4 hours
Participants: 30
Professor :BSc. Luis Ulloa Reyes  Ba. Esther Labrada Rodriguez
Place: Cardiology Institute
Address: 17th and B. Vedado
Date: Tuesday 18th9:00 a.m.
Course: Neuropsychology and TDAH.
Time: 4 hours
Participants: 25
Professor: Dr. Minerva Román
Place: Bagó Laboratory
Address: 5thAve. Corner A, Street 22, Miramar, Playa municipality.
Date: Monday 17th9:00 a.m.
Course: Psychotherapy of Defined Attitudes: a New Point of View on the Cognitive – Behavior Aspect.
Time: 8 hours
Participants: 30
Professor: Dr. C. Alberto Clavijo Portieles
Place: Legal Medicine Theater
Address: Independence Ave and 26 St
Date: Monday 17th 9:00a.m
Course: Psychological Assessment on Gerontology and Geriatrics.
Time: 4 hours
Participants: 50
Professor: MSc. Raquel Pérez Díaz
Place:University of Psychology
Address: 1168 San Rafael St Corner A and Mazón St. Vedado. Plaza
Date: Tuesday 18th9:00 a.m.
Course: Self Esteem and Biomusic, a Secret for You .
Time: 4 hours
Participants: 50
Professor: BSc. Zoila Menéndez  Ba. Niurka Mejías Acosta  Ba. Mabel Díaz
Place: Infanta Theater
Address: Infanta St and Neptuno St.
Date: Tuesday 18th ,9:00 a.m.
Course: Control of Mental Syndromes with the Use of Flower Therapy and Psychotherapy.
Time: 4 hours
Participants: 50
Professor: MSc. Mayra Pérez Batista Ba. Zoila Menéndez
Place: Infanta Theater
Address: Infanta and Neptuno
Date: Tuesday 18th9:00 a.m.
Course: Do You Wish to Know How to Meditate?
Time: 4 hours
Participants: 50
Professor: MSc. Mayra Pérez Batista MSc. Rafael Bestard Bizet. BSc. Zoila Menéndez, Ba. Mabel Diaz
Place: Infanta Theater
Address: Infanta St and Neptuno St
Date: Tuesday 18th , 9:00 a.m.
Course: Psychological Counseling
Time: 4 hours
Participants: 30
Professor: Dr. Isabel Caraballo   Dr. María Eugenia
Place: Communitarian Center of Mental Health .  Playa municipality.
Address: 5th Ave. between  e/ 36th St and  40th St, Playa municipality
Date: Tuesday 18th ,9:00 a.m.
Course: Computing Bioelctrography: Past, Present and Future, Its Application Additions.
Time: 4 hours
Participants: 40
Professor: Dr. Daniel Zayas
Place: Infanta Theater
Address: Infanta St  and Neptuno St.
Date:Monday17th ,1:00 p.m.
Course: Ambulatory Care to Addict  Patients
Time: 4 hours
Participants: 25-30
Professor: Dr. C. Justo R. Fabelo Roche
Place: Novartis Center
Address: #460 A  Street between  19th St. and 21th St, Vedado, Plaza municipality
Date: Monday 17th9:00 a.m.
Course: Tools For the Group  Work
Time: 4 hours
Participants: 30
Professor: Dra Miriam de La Osa OReilly
Place: Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital
Address: San Lázaro St  between Marquez Gonzalez St  and Belascoain St
Date: Monday 17th9: 30 a.m
Course: Dual Pathology
Time: 4 hours
Participants: 30
Professor: Dr. Ana Irina Padrón
Place: Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital
Address: San Lázaro St  between Marquez Gonzalez St  and Belascoain St
Date: Tuesday 18 th9:30 a.m
Course: Psychological clinical assessment of the human behavior in emergencies and disasters.
Time: 4 hours
Participants: 30
Professor: Dr. Alexis Lorenzo
Place:University of Psychology
Address: # 1168San Rafael Street, corner Mazón. Vedado. Plaza municipality.
Date: Monday 17th9: 00 a.m
Course: Psychological Care to the Schizophrenic Patient and His /Her Caregiver
Time: 4 hours
Participants: 30
Professor: Dr. Alexis Lorenzo
Place:University of Psychology
Address: # 1168San Rafael Street, corner Mazón. Vedado. Plaza municipality.
Date: Monday 17th1: 00 p.m
Course: La interface entre  la  neurología y la psiquiatría: Síndromes orgánicos  agudos y crónicos; enfermedad de párkinson y demencias
Time: 4 hours
Participants: 40
Professor: Dr. Salvador González Pal
Place: Legal Medicine Theater
Address: Independence Ave and 26 St.
Date: Tuesday  18 th 9:00 a.m.
Course: Introduction to Transactional Analysis.
Time: 4 hours
Participants: 15
Professor: Dra. Rosa E. Tudurí García
Place: Gali Garcia
Date: Monday 17th ,9: 00 am
Course: Psychology, Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Biodance.
Time: 4 hours
Participants: 20
Professor: Dr. Juan Emilio Sandoval   Dr. Justo Reyna Landa
Place: Universitary Hospital Theater «Manuel Fajardo».
Date: Monday 17th, 9:00 a.m.
Course: Present interventions of the patient with problems of wrong use, abuse and dependence to alcohol.
Time: 4 hours
Participants: 50
Professor: Dr. Juan Gibert Rahola  (Spain)
Place: Infanta Theater
Address: Infanta St and Neptuno St
Date: Tuesday 18th9: 00 a.m.
Course: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of the Depression on the XXI Century, Critical Analysis
Time: 4 hours
Participants: 30
Professor: Dr. Ignacio Zaragoitia Alonso
Place: Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital
Address: San Lázaro St  between Marquez Gonzalez St  and Belascoain St
Date: Tuesday 18th , 9: 00 a.m.
Course: Assessment and Treatment of the Depression and Suicidal Behavior on Children and Adolescent
Time: 4 hours
Participants: 30
Professor: Dr. Gladys Castillo Izquierdo
Place: Scientific Societies Counsel
Address: Línea  Street and I St, Vedado, Plaza de la Revolución municipality
Date: Monday 17th, 9:00 a.m.
Course: Physical mistreatment and physical and emotional negligence to the child
Time: 4 hours
Partcipants: 30
Professor: Dr. Roberto Plana Bouly   Dr. Carlos Cabrera Álvarez
Place:University of Psychology
Date: Monday 17th, 9:00 a.m.
Course: Child mistreatment, Munchausen syndrome and clinic ethic
Time: 4 hours
Participants: 30
Professor: Dr. Silvia María Pozo Abreu  Dr. María del Carmen Amaro Cano
Place: University of Psychology
Address: # 1168San Rafael Street, corner Mazón. Vedado. Plaza municipality.
Fecha: Monday 17th, 1:30 p.m.
Curso: Geriatric Psychopharmacology. Usage of antipsychotics
Duración: 4 hours
Cursistas: 60
Profesor: Dr. C. Rose Emily Nina Estrella  (Rep. Dominicana)
Local: Teatro Infanta
Dirección: Infanta y Neptuno
Fecha: Saturday 22rd 9:00 a.m.
Course: ¿Integrative Psychology or Integration in Psychotherapy?
Time: 4 hours
Participants: 30
Professor: Dr. Miguel Ángel Roca Prerara
Place:University of Psychology
Address: # 1168San Rafael Street, corner Mazón. Vedado. Plaza municipality.
Date: Tuesday 18th , 9: 00 a.m.