Registration Payment

Foreign Delegates

Delegates Students Accompanists
Until February 24th 230.00 CUC 70.00 CUC
From February 24th on 250.00 CUC 120.00 CUC * 70.00 CUC

* Students must previously present a letter that accredits him or her, signed and with the rubber stamp of the principal´s study centre.

Registration Fees include

Delegates and Students:

A credential with access to all the working sessions of the Congress, documents (that include program, abstracts and Memories CD),participation in all the social activities, participant certification or author certification if a work is presented.


A credential, souvenirs, participation in all the social activities, opening and closing acts, but they can´t participate in the working session.

Letter for participating:

The participants that requires an Invitation Letter for participating should get in contact with the Scientific Committee through the e- mail address:
Way of payments:

  1. Persons can register and pay the fee of registration online through the Site Web:
  1. Persons can register and pay the fee of registration online through the Site Web:
  1. Also through the International Sale of the Conference Center of Havana if the person makes reservation of one of the offers specially done for this convention that includes the registration quote. International Sales will easy you your pay online a unique transaction that guaranties your registration, the access to all the activities of the official program, your stay at the Palco Hotel, transfer in out y individual assistance.
  1. If you are interest you can contact the commercial specialist Idania Vega Fernandez, phone number: (537) 208 4398, e-mail: /


  1. Pay for registration can also be done in the Center of Registrations and Accrediting, Conference Center of Havana in the moment of accrediting through cash (CUC) or Credit Cards.

The Convertible Cuban Peso (CUC) is the official coin of circulation in our country. You can change your money to this coin when you arrive to Cuba in the airports, hotels, banks and money change agencies. The exchange can be done with Euros, American and Canadian dollars, Pound Sterling, Swiss Franc and Mexican Peso to the moment exchange valuation and current commission. Visa and Master Card credit cards are accepted whenever the matrix it is not an American bank.

The payment for the pre congress courses will be done on cash in the same place where they are going to be given.

For more information about the exchange of CUC (Cuban coin), visit the site of the Metropolitan Bank (Banco Metropolitano)

Cuban Delegates:

The registration fee is 150.00 CUP

The registration fee includes:


A credential with access to all the working sessions of the Congress, documents (that include program, abstracts and Memories CD),participation in all the social activities, participant certification or author certification if a work is presented.

Letter of Participation.

The participants that requires an Invitation Letter for participating should get in contact with the Scientific Committee through the e- mail address

Way of Payment:

Registration fee and payments for the pre congress courses will be done in Eventos del MINSAP group at 15 St. and 2 St, Vedado.

Pay for registration can also be done in the Center of Registrations and Accrediting, Conference Center of Havana in the moment of accrediting.

The payment for the pre congress courses will be done on cash in the same place where they are going to be given.