
Cuba, Ciudad de la Habana | 5 al 9 de abril 2010

The Psychiatric Hospital of Havana


The Psychiatric Hospital of Havana is located in the municipality of Boyeros. Our institution has 36 wards, laboratories, recreational and sport installations, occupational therapeutic areas as well as other areas where are located the support and management departments and it has 2500 beds for admission.

Outside the hospital there are nine (9) areas where patients that are in the last group of the rehabilitation system (group 4), are joined to work; the hospital also has an External Treatment Department (DTE) and a Center for Patients Suffering   from a Wandering Behavior

Besides the services on psychiatry, the hospital affords another services related to other clinical and surgical specialties and also Deontology that allows specialists to treat recurrent diseases on our patients.
There are several areas inside the hospital related to the rehabilitation work such as gardening, fruit growing, pisciculture and craftwork.

This institution has relationship with three (3) medical universities and at the same time it is an area for the practice for the medicine career, Registered Nurse and Health Technology. This center also offers post degrees studies for domestic and foreign technicians and professionals.

Elizabeth Cruz Guerra | PSICOHAVANA2010 | CENCOMED |
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