
Cuba, Ciudad de la Habana | 5 al 9 de abril 2010

Registration Fees


Foreign Delegates


Up March 24,2011

From March 25,2011


230.00 CUC

250.00 CUC

Students *

100.00 CUC

120.00 CUC


80.00 CUC

80.00 CUC

* For students, previous presentation of certified letter, adequately signed and coined by the board of the school.

Registration fees include for delegates and students:

Credentials with free admittance to all working sessions, documents (including the program book- abstracts and CD memories), participation in social activities, attendant and author certificates (for those who present scientific works).


Credentials, souvenirs, participation in social activities, opening and closing ceremonies of the Conference. They will not have access to the working sessions

Participant letter:

Attendants who require an invitation letter to attend the Conference for making the correspondent traveling proceedings may ask for it at the Organizing Committee to the following e-mail: psicohabana2010@infomed.sld.cu.


Those persons interesting on it, may be registered and they should pay the On Line registration fees through the web site:www.psicohabana.com

The registration payment should be also done in the registration center at the Conference Center of Havana (venue of the event) at the time of registration.

  • Cash CUC.
  • Credit cards. 

CUC is the official currency in our country. It may be changed when arriving to Cuba at airports, hotels, conference centers, banks, CADECA (exchange houses). You can change EURO(€), U.S dollars ($) and Canadian dollars, Pound Sterling( £), Franc and Mexican currencies into CUC currency to the exchange rate operating at the moment.
The following credit cards are acceptable in Cuba: VISA and MASTER CARD, whenever a US bank not be the matrix house.

The courses pre-congress will be payed cash at the venue where they will take place.
For more information about the CUC exchange, visit the website of Metropolitan Bank: http://www.banco-metropolitano.com/

Cuban Delegates


Up March 24,2011

From March 25,2011


230.00 CUC

250.00 CUC


100.00 CUC

120.00 CUC


80.00 CUC

80.00 CUC

For students, a previous presentation of certified letter, adequately signed and coined by the board of the school.

Registration fees include for delegates and students:

Credentials with free admittance to all working sessions, documents (including the program book- abstracts and CD memories), participation in social activities, attendant and author certificates (for those who present scientific works).

 Participant letter:

Participants who require an invitation letter to attend the Conference for making the correspondent traveling proceedings may ask for it at the Organizing Committee to the following e-mail: psicohabana2010@infomed.sld.cu.


Registration fees for the event and courses pre-congress will be payed at the Public Health Ministry Event Office on 15th Street and 2nd Street, Vedado, Havana City.

Registration payment will be also done at the Conference Center at the time of registration.

The payment of the courses pre-congress can be also done cash at the venue where they will take place.

Elizabeth Cruz Guerra | PSICOHAVANA2010 | CENCOMED |
Copyright © 1999-2024,  Infomed  -   Red Telemática de Salud Centro Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas.  República de Cuba.