
Cuba, Ciudad de la Habana | 5 al 9 de abril 2010

Pre-conference courses.

Pre-conference courses

Psychosocial rehabilitation: myths and realities
Professor: Dr. Raúl Gil
Duration: 4 hours
VENUE: San Francisco de Asís Convent
Art, mental health and rehabilitation
Professor: Dr. Raúl Gil
Duration: 4 hours
VENUE: San Francisco de Asís Convent
The nurse-patient relationship as a tool of emotional intelligence  
Professors: MSc Luis Ulloa Reyes, MSc Félix Vento Iznaga and Mrs. Esther Labrada Rodríguez
Duration: 4 hours
VENUE: National Institute of Cardiology
Comprehensive personalized diagnosis. Video-based debate on the life of the Caballero de París
Professors: Dr. Ángel Otero and Dr. Luis Calzadilla
Duration: 4 hours
VENUE: Havana Psychiatric Hospital
Suicidal behavior
Professors: Dr. Ana Sarracent, Dr. Rosa Tudiri, Dr. Juana Velázquez and  Dr. Sergio LLinas
Duration: 8 hours
VENUE: «Calixto Garcia» Clinical Surgical and University Hospital
Addictions seen from the perspective of health and illness
Professors: Dr. Justo Reinaldo Fabelo Roche, MSc Serguei Iglesias Moré, MSc Elisa Gálvez Cabrera  and Mrs. María Esther Ortiz Quesada
Duration: 8 hours
VENUE: Department of Specialized Treatments
Integrative psychotherapy. Our therapeutic resources
Professor: Mrs. Margarita de las Mercedes García Valdés
Duration: 4  hours
VENUE: «Dr. Salvador Allende» Faculty of Medical Sciences  

Elizabeth Cruz Guerra | PSICOHAVANA2010 | CENCOMED |
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