
Cuba, Ciudad de la Habana | 5 al 9 de abril 2010



The scientific program includes magisterial lectures dictated by well-known personalities due to their international prestige; special lectures, round tables, workshops, symposiums, and free topics presented in posters (representation) and videos (representation).

Outstanding professors will teach courses pre –congress, which will be known in a later issue.





Round Tables









Free topics









Free topics in Posters:

Posters should be presented in the following way:

Introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusions. Their size should be 82 cm wide (horizontal) and 120 cm long (vertical). All works should be original; they should not have been presented in issues previous to the Congress.

In the scientific program will be notified the day and the time for the presentation of each scientific work. The author should be present at the exact time to answer possible questions.

Scientific works presented in posters will have competitive characteristics and a main prize and two mentions will be given by the Scientific Committee.

Free topics in videos:

Videos will last 15 minutes, and there will be 5 minutes for questions and answers. They should be presented in VHS format, norm NTSC 3,58 (unique norm); DVD and VCD.

Requirements for sending the Abstracts.

The heading should include: title, author(s)´full address, phone number, fax, e-mail, country, theme the scientific work is proposed to be included in, and modality for presentation.

For lectures, workshops or round tables, the audiovisual aids needed should be specified.

Each abstract should have a maximum of 250 words including: introduction, methods, results and conclusions.

These abstracts should be sent in an electronic format in Word system 6.0 or higher, Arial 12, two spaces, attached to an e-mail to: psicohabana2010@infomed.sld.cu.

Abstract must be sent before January 15, 2011.

Requirements for sending complete works.

The Scientific Committee will analyzed the abstracts and will report to the authors about the acceptance of them. If accepted, they will be included in the scientific program, and will be requested according to the specific norms for being published in the Conference Memories.

Norms for the presentation of the Scientific Works

Scientific works will have a maximum of eight sheets, and will be presented in the following way: abstract, introduction, objectives, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions and bibliographical references.

The text should be written on letter type sheets (8.5 x 11), with a space and a half between lines, in Arial 12, in Word system 6.0 (Microsoft) or higher; or in Adobe Acrobat PDF with the following formalities;

The title should be in the centre, in bold type, capital letter, with no more than 15 words.

The author’s name will be written leaving three spaces below the title, with name, using commas to separate them, and the expositor’s name and last name should be underlined.

After that, institution(s) name should appear as follow as; name(s) of the institutions(s), address, code area, city, country, phone number, fax and e-mail.

Images, tables, and / graphics should also be included in the Word or PDF document which must not exceed 1 MB. In the case that it exceeds 300 KB, it should be compacted in multivolume format with a maximum size of 300 KB each one.

If the work does not fulfill these requirements, it will be refused.

Audio- visual aids for the presentation of scientific works in lecture rooms

  • Data Show

  • Computers

  • VHS players

The audio-visuals aids required for the presentation of works should be requested to the Scientific Committee with time enough for the presentation.
CDs, DVDs and mass storing units accompanying the works will be given by expositors themselves to the audio-visual aids reception office at the Conference Centre, 24 hours previous to the presentation.

Digital presentations should have the following requirements.

  • Window Operating Systems

  • Power Point

  • CD, DVD, mass storing units

  • Compacted presentations with the following applications:

  • WinZip version 8.0 (or lower).

  • Winrar version 2,5 (or lower).

  • Arj.

  • Presentation of design images (Corel 9 or 10).

Those applications, which need associated programs should include their installations (Quick Time, Adobe Acrobat, and others).

Participants who need an invitation letter to attend the Conference for doing their travelling proceedings may request it to the Organizing Committee’s e-mail: psicohabana2010@infomed.sld.cu


Date for the reception of Abstracts

Until January 15, 2011. 



Elizabeth Cruz Guerra | PSICOHAVANA2010 | CENCOMED |
Copyright © 1999-2024,  Infomed  -   Red Telemática de Salud Centro Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas.  República de Cuba.