
Cuba, Ciudad de la Habana | 5 al 9 de abril 2010

General Program


Monday 7th        (Morning and Afternoon)

                          Registration at the Havana International Conference Center

                           Pre-congress courses given by outstanding professors at different venues all over Havana City  

                          6:00 p.m. String concert at San Francisco de Asís Convent, Old Havana

  Tuesday 8th     (Morning)

                            Registration at the Havana International Conference Center

                           Pre-congress courses given by outstanding professors at different venues all over Havana City  


                            1:00 p.m. Visit to the Psychiatric Hospital of Havana.

                             5:00 Welcome Party

 Wednesday9th  ( Morning and Afternoon)

                            Registration at the Havana International Conference Center

                            Master Lectures

                            Working sessions: Round tables, Workshops, Free oral topics and


    Thursday 10th   (Morning and Afternoon)

                           Master Lectures

                           Working sessions: Round tables, Workshops, Free oral topics and

    Friday 11th        (Morning)

                          Master Lectures

                          Working sessions: Round tables, Workshops, Free oral topics and


                          2:00 p.m.   Closure of the Congress

                          7:00 p.m. Farewell  party

Elizabeth Cruz Guerra | PSICOHAVANA2010 | CENCOMED |
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