Infomed Eventos

Primer Congreso Internacional de Patología Quirúrgica de la División Cubana de la Academia Internacional de Patología
XI Congreso de la Sociedad Cubana de Anatomía Patológica|18 al 21 febrero de 2009


First Surgical Pathology Congress of the International Academy of Pathology – Cuban Division

and XI Congress of the Cuban Society of Pathologic Anatomy

Dear Colleagues:    

The first Surgical Pathology congress of the Cuban Division of the International Academy of Pathology (IAP), together with the XI Congress of the Cuban Society of Pathologic Anatomy  will be held in Havana from 18th to 21st February 2009 at the Hotel Nacional de Cuba.

Speakers from Latin America, North America and Europe will attend this scientific meeting. This encounter shall provide an excellent opportunity to exchange professional experiences as well as to strenghthen friendship links among Cuban Pathologists and our visitor colleagues.  

On behalf of the Organizing Committee,  I cordially invite the international community of Pathologists to participate in our congress.

Professor Israel Borrajero Martínez

Head of the Organizing Committee

Rosa María Coro Antich | Primer Congreso Internacional de Patología Quirúrgica de la División Cubana de la Academia Internacional de Patología | CENCOMED |
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