Friday, August 12

8:30 Symposium: Advances in dengue vaccine. Challenges of dengue vaccination. M.G. Guzman & C. Espinal. Importance of a dengue vaccine.  Realities and expectations. J. Hombach, IVR/WHO. Dengue Vaccine Initiative (DVI).     L. da Silva, DVI. Updating of the dengue vaccine candidates under development.  F. Noriega, sanofi pasteur. Update on Two Phase 1 Studies for DENVax – A Recombinant Live Attenuated Tetravalent Dengue Vaccine. J. Osorio, INVIRAGEN. P64k-DomIII: Strategy for the development of a dengue vaccine. A. Izquierdo, IPK/CIGB. Preclinical evaluation of molecules based on Den-2 capside as vaccine candidates. L. Hermida, CIGB/IPK .
10:30 COFFEE

11:00 Cont. Pasteur institute candidate. F. Tangy. Correlates of protection. Neutralizing antibodies. M. Alvarez, IPK. Models of dengue transmission. L Coudeville  sanofi pasteur. Challenges of dengue vaccination. LJ da Silva  DVI. Epidemiological surveillance in the context of dengue vaccination. JL San Martin, PAHO & Germano Ferreira sanofi pasteur

13:00 LUNCH

14:30 Symposium: Integration in dengue control. Gaps & perspectives. M. E. Toledo & O. Fuentes. Integrated Management in the Americas. Where we are? J. L. San Martín. Role of human behaviour in dengue control. Changes evaluation in the context of the American region.  L. Lloyd. The environment as macro-determinant of dengue transmission. Studies in Cuba. M. Concepción. Entomological indexes and risk of transmission. A. Morrison. New tools for dengue control: Evaluation of results from multiple cluster-randomized controlled trials. P. van der Stuyft, V. Vanlerberghe, A. Lenhart, A. Baly. Insecticide resistance surveillance and its role in dengue control programs. J. Bisset

16:00 COFFEE

16:30 Cont. :Integration in dengue control