Archive for the 'General'

Visa: entry permit for Cuba

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Some countries have agreements with Cuba and you do not need an entry permit to travel to our country.

If visa is required you can get it at the Cuban consulate or at the tourist agencies that travel to Cuba or in the one you arrange your attendance to the Congress.

If travelling with CUBANACAN, the official tour operator of the congress, they will inform you and help you in this sense.   It is the same if you arrange your trip through SOLWAYS.

In both cases you will also obtain information about accommodation, transfers, tourist options and other details you wish so you will enjoy your stay in Cuba.

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Novo Nordisk

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NNNovo Nordisk is a new member of the group of prestigious sponsors of our Congress, particularly in connection with the IV International Workshop on Hemophilia which, as announced, we will dedicate to the 50 years of the World Federtion of Hemophilia.

They will also be present with a stand at the Commercial Fair which every delegate to the congress will be able to visit during the days of the event.

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The Cuban Academy of Sciences, cosponsor of HEMATOLOGY´2013

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We have great satisfaction in announcing that our congress counts with the prestigious cosponsoring of the Cuban Academy of Sciences, founded more than 150 years ago and integrated by  the most relevant professionals of the different branches of sciences

Amont its members are professors Ernesto de la Torre Montejo, member of the hematology team of the Institute of Hematology and Immunology and President of the National Council for Health Scientific Societies, Cuba;  Consuelo Macías Abraham and Rinaldo Villaescusa Blanco, also members of the staff of the institute and of the congress organizing committee;  as well ad José M. Ballester Santovenia and Porfirio Hernández Ramírez, of the board of direction of the Institute and of the Cuban Society of Hematology and President of the Organizing Committee and Vicepresident for the Scientific Committee of the congress, respectively.

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novartisAnother distiguished sponsor of our Congress is the prestigious  NOVARTIS enterprise, about whose activities and products you will know in the Commercial Fair which wil take place during the scientific sessions of our congress at the International Conference Center, Havana, in May 20 to 24, next year.

Every delegate and other interested people related to the products that Novartis offers, will be able to attend to this Expo.

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Cuban Journal on Hematology, Immunology and Hemotherapy

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With reviews, original articles, brief communications, case reports, you can now have access to the contents of our journal in its last number July-September, 2012.

You can also connect with every number edited since 1995 up to now and therefore get acquainted with the Cuban experiences in our specialties.

The journal is mainly edited in Spanish with abstracts in English but if you want to submit a paper you can write it in either one of the two languages always including a version of the abstract in English and Spanish.

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biolabAmong the sponsors and collaborators of our congress BIO LAB International, from Panama, is a distinguished one and will be at the Commercial Fair that will take place simultaneously with the scientific event to be held at the International Conference Center in Havana, from May 20 to 24, next year.

This prestigious firm will opportunally announce its activities during the Expo which can be visited by every delegate to the Congress and other people linked to the products it offers.

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Important sponsoring of the ISH to HEMATOLOGIA´2013

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The International Society of Hematology (ISH) and particularly its Interamerican Division where Cuba participates, is a sponsoring organizaton of our congress.

The Organizing Committee of HEMATOLOGY´2013 and especially its Scientific Committee is working hard in the preparation of the scientific program which is expected to include up-dated interesting aspects related to diagnosis and treatment of the diseases in the different specialties of this event, about which we will be informing through our website.

It is time to make your pre-registration as indicated in the page “Registration” of our site, and also send the abstract of the paper you propose to present.

Should you have any doubt or need to clarify any subject, please, do not hesitate to c

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Subscribe now

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To always be updated with the news on HEMATOLOGY´2013, click “Subscribe” on the right  top of the bar appearing in every page of the web site.

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Abstracts for HEMATOLOGY´2013 already been received.

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Up to this moment we have received around a hundred titles of topics proposed for presentation in our congress, most of them to be exhibited in posters.

The Scientific Committee works hardly in the selection and preparation of the first proposal of program for the event, so it is important that if you are interested in presenting some papers with your experience, send the abstract now to be evaluated for its inclusion in the general program of the congress.

Also remember that for any detail you may require for your attendance to the congress, you may contact us from this web site.

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What do you know about the WFH?

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World Federation of Hemophilia: Cornerstone of global development

For nearly 50 years, the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) has provided global leadership to improve and sustain care for people with inherited bleeding disorders, including hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, rare factor deficiencies, and inherited platelet disorders.

We save and improve lives by:

training experts in the field to properly diagnose and manage patients;
advocating for adequate supply of safe treatment products; and
educating and empowering people with bleeding disorders to help them live healthier, longer and more productive lives.

However, much more still remains to be done. The reality is that 75 per cent of people with bleeding disorders still receive very inadequate treatment or no treatment at all. The percentage is even higher for those with von Willebrand disease and rare factor deficiencies.

Our vision of “Treatment For All” is that one day, all people with a bleeding disorder will have proper care, no matter where they live. Treatment for All means:

proper diagnosis, management, and care by a multidisciplinary team of trained specialists;
safe, effective treatment products for all people with bleeding disorders; and
expanding services beyond hemophilia, to those with von Willebrand disease, rare factor deficiencies, and inherited platelet disorders.

The World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH), an international not-for-profit organization, was established in 1963. It is a global network of patient organizations in 118 countries and has official recognition from the World Health Organization.

Our mission

The World Federation of Hemophilia improves and sustains care for people with inherited bleeding disorders around the world.

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