Main topics to be discussed in the Symposium of Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy.
In the sessions dedicated to this young field of medical sciences, the following topics will be discussed:
- Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy. General aspects, stem cells sources, obtention, preparation and expansion of stem cells; preclinical and clinical experiences.
- Application of cell therapy in angiology, orthopedia and traumatology.
- Cell therapy in different diseases, among them: cardiac, neurological, lung and dental diseases and other.
- Use of platelets as part of Regenerative Medicine.
- Regenerative Medicine and its link with Sport Medicine.
- Other means of application of Regenerative Medicine, Duch as: recombinant factors, tissue engeneering, etc.
- Integration of blood banks and cell therapy.
- Development, advances and perspectives of Regenerative Desarrollo, avances y perspectivas de la Medicina Regenerativa y la Terapia Celular en Cuba.
Papers in posters will also be presented in this area.