Infomed Eventos

Cubafarmacia 2008
Del 19 al 21 de noviembre del 2008. La Habana, Cuba

– English information

10th Congress of the Cuban Society of
Pharmaceutical Sciences

7th International Seminar of the Pharmaceutical Professionals
November 19 – 21   2008
Havana, Cuba


Organized by
Cuban Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Institute of Pharmacy and Food
National Council of Scientific Societies
Ministry of Public Health
Ministry of Energy, Mining and Chemical Industries.

Organizing Committee
Dr Eneida Pérez Santana
M Sc Edita Fernández Manzano
Scientific Program
Dr Mirna Fernández Cervera
Professional Organizer of Congresses
Lic. Damaris Marfil Pérez
«Frank País» International Scientific Orthopedic Complex
Congress Center ORTOP

Dear colleages:

The Cuban Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Institute of Pharmacy and Food of the Havana University are pleased to invite you to participate in these important events that will represent a great opportunity for exchange of experience and information among the pharmaceutical professionals and other experts from related branches as well as for the updating and increase of kwoledge of all the participants.

To fulfill this objective, the Organizing Committe will create a cooperative and friendly environment in which national representatives and foreign participants who come to our country may share some fraternal working days.

Cuba will provide you with the possibility of admiring its natural beauty and of learning about the culture and social advancements of the Cuban people, which will further increase your satisfaction of being in our country.

Main topics:
o Pharmaceutical care. Hospital and community-based pharmacy.
o Regulatory issues and clinical assays
o Food and nutrition
o Development of vaccines and biotechnological products. Monoclonal antibodies.
o Professional ethics and bioethics.
o Pharmacology and toxicology
o Pharmacokinetics and bioavailability
o Pharmacoepidemiology and drug surveillance
o Pharmacoeconomics and pharmaceutical marketing
o Formation of human resources and pharmaceutical education.
o Quality assurance management
o Scientific information on drugs.
o New ways of drug administration
o Natural products and herbal medicine
o Pharmaceutical chemistry and drug synthesis
o Radiopharmacy
o Pharmaceutical and cosmetic technology. Design of new pharmaceutical forms.

An exhibition will be simultaneously presented in which trading companies, firms and institutions related to the main topics of the evens may participate.

You may contact:
Lic Damaris Marfil Pérez
Organizer of Events
«Frank País» International Scientific Orthopedic Complex
Congress Center ORTOP
Phone numbers: (537) 271-3176, (537) 271-2832
Fax: (537)273-6480, (537)273-6444, (537)273-1421

Registration fees:
             Delegates  – 200 CUC
Accompaning persons – 80.00 CUC
Students –  100.00 CUC
Precongress courses  –  20.00 CUC

The papers may be presented as:
–  Magisterial lectures
– Panels
– Round tables
– Free topics
– Posters
– Videos
The abstracts of papers will be received until September 1st, 2008 and will be sent to

The abstracts should contain:
Time New Roman, bold type, size 14 and centered.
Author (s): Full name of the author(s) and credits of the exhibitor and of every author. The name of author who will submit the paper should be underlined.
Institution (s): where the paper was made
Electronic mail: The electronic mail of some of the authors.

Forms of presentation:
Author´s names, institutions and e-mail as well as the body of abstract should be written in Times New Roman, normal style, size 12 and justified. The spacing of the whole text should be 1.5 lines.
The lenght of abstract should be 100 to 250 words, and should include neither figures nor tables.
Authors are requested to strictly fulfill the drafting requirements for the papers; otherwise, they could be sent back for further correction.
Acceptance or rejection of the papers will be notified to the sender by e-mail from September 26th, 2008 on.
For updated information, you may visit the Webpage of the event at

Workshops and Topics of the Congress

Pharmaceutical Care Workshop
– Pharmaceutical care. In-hospital and community-based pharmacies
– Regulatory aspects in clinical assays
– Pharmacoepidemiology and  drug surveillance
– Pharmacoeconomics and pharmaceutic marketing.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Natural Products Workshop
– Natural products and alternative medicine
– Pharmaceutical chemistry and drug synthesis.

Biotechnology Workshop
– Development of vaccines and biotechnological products
– Monoclonal antibodies

Drug technology and control Workshop
– Design of new pharmaceutical forms
– Quality control
– Quality assurance
– Environmental management

Human Resources Workshop
– Formation and education of human resources (pharmaceutical and food sciences)
– Professional ethics and bioethics.
– Use of the Information and Communication Technologies in the Pharmaceutical and Food Sciences

Pharmacology Workshop
– Pharmacology and Toxicology
– Pharmacokinetics and bioavailability

Food Workshop
– Food and Nutrition

Radiopharmacy Workshop
– Radiopharmaceuticals for therapeutic use
– Development of SPECT radiopharmaceuticals
– Good practice in hospital radiopharmacy services
– Education and training in radiopharmacy

Proposal of pre-congress courses
November 18th, 2008
City of Havana,  Cuba

 Regulatory Toxicology
Coordinator:  Ph D.  Maria Antonia Torres (Institute of Pharmacy
and Food)
Site : Institute of Pharmacy and Food (IFAL)

 Pharmacogenetics and its applications
Coordinator:  Ph D. Idania Rodeiro (CQF)
Site: IFAL

 Stability of pharmacy-manufactured natural and synthetic products
Coordinator: Ph D. Mirta Castiñeiras (IFAL)
Site: IFAL

 Study of the chemical composition and biological properties of propoleos
Coordinator: Ph D. Osmany Cuesta Rubio (IFAL)
Site: IFAL

 Useful statistical context in biomedical research
Coordinator: Lic Mayelin Mirabal Sosa (Finlay Institute)
Site: Finlay Institute

 Clinical research on prophylactic vaccines
Coordinators: Dr. Rolando Felipe Ochoa Azze  (Finlay Institute)
Dr. María de Los Angeles Peña Machado
Dr. Meiby de la Caridad Rodríguez González
Dr. Rossana Estruch de la Guardia
Site: Finlay Institute.

 Pharmacoeconomics in pharmaceutical services
Coordinator: Lic Manuel Collazo (CECMED)
MSc. Leidiana Hernández (IFAL)  (6 hrs)

 The quality path for pharmaceutical services
Coordinators: MSc. María de las Mercedes Cuba
Ph D. Caridad Cedeño (IFAL)  (8 hrs)

 The community-based pharmacist in promoting health education
Coordinators:  M Sc Liliana Mateu López
MSc. Aymée Herrera
PhD. Milena Díaz  (IFAL)   (6 hrs)

 Clinical Nutrition
Coordinator: Dr. Barreto  (Hermanos Ameijeiras» hospital)
Site: «Hermanos Ameijeiras» hospital


For further information about CUBAFARMACIA 2008, you may contact:

Dr. Eneida Pérez Santana
Chairwoman of the Organizing Committee
Phone numbers (537) 876-1104, (537) 876-1105
Fax (537) 873-5036

Dr. Norberto García Mesa
Head of the Event Promotion and Organization Department.
Congress Center ORTOP
«Frank País» International Scientific Orthopedic Complex
Phone numbers (537) 271-3176, (537) 271-2832
Fax: (537)273-6480, (537)273-6444, (537)273-1421
Dr Mirna Fernández Cervera
Scientific Commission



The travel agency Gaviota Tours Ventas provides  several options for the participants in CubaFarmacia 2008 to assure the best conditions of lodging, transportation and other facilities by offering the following hotels:

Net prices per pax per night in CUC

Hoteles  Single room Double room Triple room
Hotel plans CP MAP CP MAP CP MAP
Melia Habana  5* 121,00 143.00 91.00 113.00    
Occidental Miramar 4*   85.00   95.00 69.00   79.00    
Hotel Palco 4*   81.00 91.00 69.00 79.00    
Kolhy-Bosque 3* 71.00 75.00 59.00 63.00    
Aparthotel Ortop 3* 20.00 27.00 26.00 40.00 37.00 58.00

 Note:  This Net Price is valid for all the markets
 A price only for the event.
Hotel plans:
CP: lodging, breakfast
MAP: lodging, breakfast, dinner

**This price includes:
• Lodging according to reservation
• Transportation to the sessions of the event.
• Transfer in / out.
• Welcome cocktail

Important Remarks:

• These services will be paid either 72 hours before they are provided or before check-in at the selected hotel. If bank transfer is used, then payment should be made 15 days in advance and the BANK SWUIFT should be presented.
• Credit cards are accepted except for those issued by US banks.
• Please note that Bank charges are the responsibility of the payee and should be paid at source in addition to the registration fees.
• Payment should be accomplished in Euros, in US dollars or other hard currency.
• Financial operation can NOT be executed at or through any US bank.
• Accommodation fees are set in CUC (Cuban Currency) therefore participants paying in EURO or other currency should convert the EURO amount in accordance with exchange rate of EURO into CUC on the day of bank transfer. For an updated list of CUC exchange rates click here:
• Please email to Gaviota Tours and the Organizing Committee
– date of the transfer
– number of the transfer as per your bank
– name and SWIFT code of your bank
– amount transferred

These data will ENSURE you will be properly has the reservation of the hotel. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to you as soon as our bank confirms the reception of your transference.
At Gaviota web site you will find another tourist options offered by Gaviota.

For reservation and tourist requests, you may contact

Head of Specialized Tourism Department
Phone numbers (537) 204-5708, 204-7526
Fax : (53) (7) 204-4111

Lic. Manuel Cué Brugueras | Cubafarmacia 2008 | CENCOMED |
Copyright © 1999-2025,  Infomed  -   Red Telemática de Salud Centro Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas.  República de Cuba.