One of the main aims of this Workshop is achieving a wide and fluid interchange of ideas referred to the role of the Medical Universities in community medicine and population´s life quality, in the most integral way. Therefore, important, renowned national and international personalities will participate in the magisterial lectures, symposia and panels carried out simultaneously
Topic 1: The role of Medical Universities in community medicine and population´s life quality.
President: M. Sc. MD. Maricela Estopiñán García
Secretary: M. Sc. MD. Jorge P. Rodríguez Fernández
- Training Integral General Medicine Specialist in Cuba
- Promotion, prevention and community participation in addictions. Its influence on population´s life quality. (M. Sc. MD. Vicente Hernández Castro)
- Gender approach in the primary level
- Maternal-infantile care impact in Cuba
- Promotion, prevention and community participation, its influence on population´s life quality
- Rehabilitation in Primary Health Care
- Primary Health Care, current scenery of Stomatology in the community. (M. Sc. María Isabel Garay Crespo)
- New paradigms of Community nursery in the Primary Care (M. Sc. Lourdes Sherwood Ilizástegui)
- Neurodevelopment early care: a community health care problem in the 21st century
-Neurodevelopment in the Primary Health Care
-Early and School Neuropsychology. New perspectives
Integral care to women
Parallel events
- Symposia on Rehabilitation of neurodevelopment disorders in Primary Health care
- Workshop: New approach in buccal health analysis. Initiatives and strategies to include oral health in WHO Agenda 2020.
Professors MD. Judit Martínez Abreu,
D.Sc. Estela de los Ángeles Gispert Abreu,
D.Sc. Pastor Castel-Florit Serrate.
Magisterial lectures
- The primary teacher as health promoter through addictions’ prevention.
- Alcohol as porter drug. Etiopathogenic aspects. Therapeutic and relapse prevention. Family role.
- Maternal-infantile care program in Primary Health Care
- Model of health promotion attention to chronic diseases in Primary Health Care.
- Gender and Community, a sigh from the Primary Health Care
- Necessity of orthodontics treatment. Its impact in Primary Care
- Evaluative methodology for the analysis of the oral health situation in the community
- Health, family, society and sanitary education
- Communication in the Primary Health Care
- Communication nurse-patient and its application in the care management development.
- Experiences of ozonotherapy treatment in the United States. Where we are and where we go to. MD Howard Robins and MD. William Domb
- New perspectives of dental implantology
- Development of the training program in Odontology in the University of Miami. MD. Michel Peleg, MD Maritza Vega
Theme 2: University management in medical education. Its main processes.
President: MD Arturo Vidal Taillet
- Quality management in high education
- The teaching-learning process in Medical education and the impact of Education at Work
- Human capital formation in health
- Bioethics and its management in the process of university management
- Upgrading and training of health executives and their reserve
- Values formation in health professionals
Parallel events
- Symposium: Ethics and Bioethics in the professional work (M.Sc. Clara Laucirica Hernández)
- Symposium: Formation in Clinical Ethics and Bioethics
Coordinator: Roberto Cañete Villafranca M.D., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Professors: José Salvador Arellano Rodríguez M.F., Ph.D.
Hilda Romero Zepeda M.Sc., Ph. D.
Robert T. Hall M.Ph, Ph.D.
Bernardo García Camino M.Sc, PhD
Magisterial lectures
- Ethics of researches in human beings: historical considerations
- Theoretical and applied Ethics (Bioethics)
- Formation of Ethics committees and hospital committees, and clinical Ethics.
- Main rights as guarantee of the Human Rights in the Mexican legal context. Management of personal information and its legal and ethic implications.
- Public health as strategy in the sustainable development
Theme 3: Salubrious work in the communities
President: M.Sc. Fernando Achiong
Secretary: M.Sc. Pablo Rodríguez Jimenez
- Non-.transmissible diseases. Their impact on communities’ health
- Transmissible diseases. Their impact on communities’ health
- Health determinants in the community
Parallel events
- Non-.transmissible diseases
- Symposium Arterial Hypertension
- Symposium: Challenge of tuberculosis elimination D.Sc. Edilberto González Ochoa
-MD Alfredo Dueñas. 2nd Grade Specialist in Cardiology and Epidemiology. Consultant Professor and Auxiliary Researcher. Head of the Department of Cardiovascular Prevention, Cardiovascular Institute of Havana, Member of the National Commission of Arterial Hypertension of Cuba. Head of the Project on Arterial Hypertension in collaboration with Oxford University, Cardiovascular Institute and the Provincial Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology of Matanzas (CPHEM in Spanish)
-MD Armando Rodríguez Salva. 2nd Grade Specialist and Master in Epidemiology and Health Administration. Auxiliary Professor and Researcher. Secretary of the National Board of the Society of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Cuba. Head of the Project on Intervention in Non-transmissible Diseases carried out in Cuba (Matanzas and Santiago de Cuba with the collaboration of Amberes Institute of Tropical Medicine, Belgium, the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology of Cuba (INHEM in Spanish) en the Provincial Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology of Matanzas.
-MD Fernando Achiong Estupiñan. 2nd Grade Specialist and Master in Epidemiology and Health Administration. Consultant Professor and Auxiliary Researcher. President of the Matanzas Chapter of the Society of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Matanzas. Provincial coordinator of the Projects on Arterial Hypertension and Non-transmissible Diseases in Matanzas.
-MD Edilberto González Ochoa. D.Sc., 2nd Grade Specialist in Epidemiology. Head of the Department of Tuberculosis and Pulmonary Diseases of the Institute of Tropical Medicine “Pedro Kouri” (IPK in Spanish), La Habana. President of the National Board of the Society of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Head of the Project Tuberculosis Determinants with the collaboration of the Amberes Institute of Tropical Medicine, Belgium, the University of Medical Sciences of Matanzas and the Provincial Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology of Matanzas (CPHEM in Spanish).
-MD Blanca Terry Berro. D.Sc. Specialist and Master in Hygiene and Nutrition. Director of the Institute of Food Hygiene, Cuba. Research on anemia
Theme 4: Health psychology in the community
President: M.Sc. Cristobal Mesa Simpson
- Health psychology and academic formation
- Health psychology and psychosociology
- Health psychology and responsible sexuality
Parallel events
Magisterial lectures
- Current situation of the malignant tumors in Cuba. Psychological repercussion of their diagnosis on patients and relatives
- Updating on psychological treatment in situations of disaster and emergencies
Theme 5: Community strategies and elder people
President: M.Sc. Adolfo Valhuerdi Cepero
Secretary: MD. Amparo Costa Méndez
- Risk factors and atherosclerosis consequent diseases
- Depression in elder people
- Dementia integral approach in the community
- Fragility, dependence and disability in elder people. Inter-sector approach
- Osteoporosis and osteopenia. An approach from the community
- Behavioral and cognitive performance of healthy elder people
- Mental health and Elder People. A challenge of integrated solution
- Sanitary and environmental education and their impact in the communities´ life quality
- Population´s ageing and its impact. A sight form the Public Health
Parallel events
- Workshop Atherosclerosis in the community: form the endothelial cell to the 21st century community
- Symposium: Prevention of elder people´s fragility in the community
Magisterial lecture
- Immunologic changes in elder people´s immunology
Theme 6: Workshop of Natural products “University, Ecology and Social Development”.
President: M.Sc. Alfredo Albuin Landín
- Research and social development (I+DS in Spanish) of natural products
- Agro ecology, eco-remediation and sustainability of the little industry of natural products
- Natural medicines and their impact in the community development
- Foods, nutritional culture and their social consumption
- Cosmetics and health: for an esthetic from the nature to the human being
- Natural rhythms, molecular epidemiology and chronobiopharmacology of natural products
- Management of natural products ecological projects with a social development approach
Parallel events