Requisites for the presentation of works
Working languajes
Spanish – English
Modalities of participation
Those persons interested in exposing their experiences, will do it by mean of conferences, round tables, magisterial lectures, case presentation, special thematic sessions, free themes in posters.
Presentations in posters will be made in an area inside the designed location, in a format of 95 cm (horizontal wide) and 150 cm (vertical length). The day and time of each work presentation will be assigned in the scientific program. The author will be present at the appointed time to answer to the participants´ possible questions.
The participants interested in making presentations, in posters, should send summaries in no more than 250 words, including the study aim and reach, main procedures, methods, main results and conclusions. Title, authors, institutions, phone number, e-mail and country, are not incorporated into the body of the summary. Works may be send to e-mail: (for the Spanish-speaking and non-Spanish speaking interested persons). They will be received up to May 31st, 2016. The authors should refer to the Scientific Committee, in the asked data, the audiovisual means they will need as a support for their presentation.
The Scientific Commission will have up to 15 days to emit its pronouncement and send it to respective authors.
The Organizing Committee will consider that all the works have been authorized for their presentation by all the persons and institutions that have taken part in or have funded them.
The full responsibility in the case of conflicts of interests that may arise will fall on the author presenting the work.