Organizing Committee
McS. Rosaida Ochoa Soto.
Director of the Unit for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Vicepresident: McS. Alina Pérez Martínez. Head of Communication Department.
President of the Scientific Committee: Dr.Sc. Giselda Sanabria Ramos. National School of Public Health
Other members
Head of the Communication Department of the Ministry of Public Health:Martha Arevich.
Symposium Program: Maricel Herrera and Plácido Pedroso
Sample Program: Miriam Valdés, Manuel Sánchez,Yandy Betancourt, Susett Pérez and
Yolga Pita.
Secretariat and accreditation: Zita Corrales and Mario Rodríguez.
Communication: Aylín Martínez and Mario Rodríguez
Audiovisual production: Manuel Sánchez
Courses: Yoandra Lora
Economics and accounting: Mayra Llerena
Logistic assurance: Maylen Guerra.