Prevention, Integration, Quality of life. Event for all the Specialists of Cuba and the World



Rehabilitation logingotroingles.jpg

Spanish Version
V Congress of The Cuban Society Of Physical
Medicine And Rehabilitation
III National Workshop of Rehabilitation
Health Primary Attention
II Workshop Of Computer Science
In Physical
Medicine And Rehabilitation
Workshop Of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation


Dear Colleague:
The Cuban Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, is delighted to announce the celebration of Rehabilitación 2009. This year in its V International Congress, III National Workshop of Rehabilitation in Health Primary Attention, II Workshop of Computer Science in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Workshop of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, which is going to take place from April 6th to April 10th 2009 in Havana Palace of Conventions.
This event will approach significant world-wide present time issues and it will be represented by famous national and international personalities in the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation field.
Rehabilitación 2009, will encourage the exchange among professionals interested in researching, analyzing, promoting and being aware of these wide issue advances. Counting on the logo: «All for a happy childrenhood», the main topic will be the Attention for children with special needs. We pretend as well, to state the results reached by Cuba in every level of attention and to promote local collaboration.
Greetings, Looking forward in giving you the warmest welcome.
Dr. Jorge E. Martin Cordero.
President of the Organizing Committee

Lic. Elsy Basto Suárez | Rehabilitation2009 | CENCOMED |
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