Villaclara Province: Information

It is one of the central provinces in the island and it has beautiful sugar cane fields that contrast with the high towers of the factories where the sweet Cuban sugar cane is produced. You can find four beaches in the North coast : El Salto, Cataratas, Isabela, and Caibarien.
Villa Clara Province has the following Municipalities :
Santa Clara, Corralillo, Sagua la Grande, Ranchuelo, Manicaragua, Placetas, Encrucijada, Remedio, Camajuani, Santo Domingo, Quemado de Guines, Caibarien, Sagua la Grande, and Cifuentes.
Santa Clara inland city, capital of the province, was founded in 1869 by ancient inhabitans of a coast village to flee from corsairs and pirates attacks. Its inhabitants lived in typical houses built with red mud bricks and tiles, with tbe same style as the little Spanish cities.
In Santa Clara you will have the possibility to see the old train that carried Batista soldiers, that participated in Santa Clara struggle, which was which was derailed by the troops of Che Guevara.
Also, for those who admire the legendary figure of the guerilla fighter Ernesto “Che” Guevara, since 1997, his remains repose in the Mausoleum “Ernesto Che Guevara” together with some other guerilla fighters, who accompanied him in Bolivia.
This province is the second tobacco plantation area in the island, after Pinar del Rio, and an important place in the production of sugar cane.