From the entry and exit of goods
At the entrance for the assembly and / or decoration of their stand, exhibitors must deliver the document Declaration of Entry and Exit of Goods with the list of materials, furniture and equipment of their property that will be in their space during the Fair, as a way to facilitate its extraction at the end of it.
PABEXPO will not assume any responsibility for losses, damages or damages caused to materials, furniture and equipment that were not declared at the entrance.
The authorities of the Fair are not responsible for the damages that may produce to the exhibitor the lack of electrical energy, voltage variations or others due to causes outside the premises. The latter shall be obliged to place protective and safety devices for the exposed equipment. Neither will it be liable if such damages occur due to the occurrence of unforeseeable or unavoidable natural phenomena such as floods, cyclones, earthquakes or other similar nature that cause the interruption of services, the beginning of the event or its development in the expected date.
PABEXPO is exempt from all liability in cases of loss, removal or deterioration of any sample, object or decorative material that was not removed of the fairground by the exhibitor on the date indicated for the disassembly. The exhibitor is obliged to appear in the fairground during the days and at the times stipulated for the disassembly in the understanding that such obligation will begin from the first day and time established by the Organizer for that stage.
Once the dismantling stage has been completed without the exhibitor having extracted its merchandise, PABEXPO will not be responsible for the care, and may transfer it to an outside area of the fairground without involving any obligation in terms of its preservation and custody. The expenses incurred by PABEXPO for the delay in the extraction of the merchandise from the fairground must be paid by the exhibitor as a requirement for their extraction.