Message from the ALAPSA Presidency
Dear colleagues,year 2019 is coming to an end and it is inevitable, living in our continent, abstracting from the situation faced by the population of many Latin American countries.
As health psychologists, who work for the well-being and health of people, we are obliged to put our knowledge and experiences according to the correct interpretation of reality and its transformation.
Latin American unity is not a motto, it is the legitimate aspiration of the noblest ideas that we have inbred from our heroes. From the Latin American Association of Health Psychology, we also aspire to that integration. Let us work to develop a psychology committed to its time, tempered by the complex situations we live in, inclusive, unprejudiced, that legitimizes diversity as strength and that promotes the values that make us better: solidarity, respect for cultural identity, dignity , which means working for human improvement.
Let’s take advantage of the growing possibilities of social communication to dialogue about what we do, to research and find solutions to common problems, to learn from others. We intend that ALAPSA contributes to stimulating these spaces for the socialization of knowledge and experiences and of dissatisfaction and concerns about what we do or what we do not do and should do.
We wish to convey our optimism that 2020 will be a year of greater development and contribution of the Psychology of Latin American health to our continent well-being, we bet on achieving our personal and family goals and farewell 2019 with a song of hope for a better future.
Olga Esther Infante Pedreira
President ALAPSA