

Among the topics of these events we may have:

  • XXVII Cuban International Congress of Orthopedics and Traumatology

– September 27th:
1. Symposium on Minimally Invasive Foot Surgery
2. Mesa Redonda: Innovations in Orthopedic Surgery

– September 28th:
1. Symposium: Arthroscopy in hip, shoulder and ankle
2. Mesa Redonda: Sepsis in Orthopedic Surgery. Current Analysis and perspectives.

  • First International Cuban Congress of External Fixation

September 29 and 30 October 1.
1. Historical Update in External Fixation
2. External fixation in pseudoarthrosis
3. External fixation in members Elongation
4. External Fixation in Natural Disasters
5. External Fixation in the Treatment of Bone Tumors
6. External fixation in bone Sepsis
7. External Fixation in Traffic Accidents
8. External Fixation in osteomio-articular pathologies
9. Complications of External Fixation
10. Developments in the External Fixation